Transfer Students

If you are a transfer student at UNCW, there are a few steps you can take to best prepare yourself during Orientation and your pre-registration academic advising appointments.

Make sure to send all final transcripts with posted grades to UNCW. This will ensure that you earn credit for the courses you have previously taken. Transfer credit is not guaranteed, but each course is reviewed by the University.

Paper transcripts may be mailed to:

Office of the Registrar
UNC Wilmington
601 S. College Road
Wilmington, NC 28403-5618

Official transcripts in PDF formats may be sent to

Two-Year Institutions/Community Colleges

A maximum of 64 semester hours of credit may be awarded to students who have pursued their education at a two-year institution.

Four-Year Institutions/Colleges and Universities

A maximum of 93 semester hours of credit may be awarded to students who have pursued their education at a four-year institution.

Transfer Credit

If you had credit transferred to UNCW, but believe that a course should be counted as something different, you should speak to your academic advisor.

If you want to take a class at another institution to transfer it back to UNCW, first ensure that this is not a class that you need to repeat. All courses that need to be repeated must be taken at UNCW. Use the Office of the Registrar's Transfer Equivalency Tool and the External Equivalency Course Search Tool to get an idea of what courses may be transferred in for what credit.

Additionally, you are strongly encouraged to fill out a Transient Study Request Form in mySeaport. This ensures the course you will transfer into UNCW and apply to your degree requirements. Approvals are made by the department. More information is located within the Instructions for Transient Study.

If you wish to study abroad and transfer credit to UNCW from an international experience, refer to the Instructions for Transient Study. Additional questions may be referred to the Office of International Programs.

More information regarding the North Carolina Community College Articulation Agreement can be found online at the Office of the Registrar.

Military Students

If you are a military veteran or a student on active duty, you are waived from PED 101 and may earn college elective transfer credit for your service.

You will need to provide a Military Registry Transcript with the American Council on Education (ACE) recommendations provided on the transcript. UNCW reviews these recommendations and awards elective credit for programs and experiences under lower baccalaureate and higher baccalaureate areas.

Each branch of service has a website with information on how to send your transcript. More detailed information on the process and transfer credit can be found at Military Admissions.

If you have questions regarding the GI Bill, VA benefits, or financial aid, contact Shannon Miles at or 910.962.3177.

More Links for Military Veterans or Active Duty Students: