Using Venn Diagrams Problems Worksheets

Students have long used Venn diagrams in English and Social Studies classes by the time we encourage them to use it math. Students sometimes will do a double take when they first see them being used in math class. Venn diagrams are great to evaluate the relationships. Especially when it comes to data. We can use them to visualize our data and see if there is something that separates it or connects it. These tools are primarily used in statistics, probability, and situations where we are evaluating the logic of something. Students learn how to create, read, and interpret Venn Diagrams imaging of logic statements with this collection of worksheets and lessons.

Aligned Standard: High School Data Modeling

Homework Sheets

Diagramming these helps out a great deal.

Practice Worksheets

I left a template of Venn diagrams for you to work with.

Math Skill Quizzes

We don't ask you to create Venn diagrams. Instead you are asked to apply them.

How to Use Venn Diagrams for Math Problems

This is a schematic way of representing the elements of a group or set. In Venn diagrams, you get a number of elements or a bunch of numbers, and then all you have to do is use that information to construct a Venn diagram and then figure out the rest of the information.

They can help you understand the relationships that do and do not exist between these elements. Venn diagrams help you represent a diagram in a pictorial form. It represents the intersection and overlapping of two groups in an understandable manner. This allows you to quickly and easily compare and contrast these elements.

Venn Diagram of Students In Classes

To understand how Venn diagrams help, consider the following example: There are a total of 40 students, out of which 14 are taking English Composition, and 26 are taking Chemistry. If there are 5 students taking English and Chemistry in both classes, how many students are in neither class? And how many of them are in either class?

To solve these, lets walk through how we would approach preparing a Venn diagram for this situation. Draw two circles, one representing English (blue in our diagram) and the other representing Chemistry (red in our diagram) with a part of circles overlapping into each other. Now write the respective numbers into the parts of the circle and use the information to solve the word problem you have at hand. 14 would be placed in the blue circle, 6 in the red circle, and 5 where the overlap is. To answer these questions we need to realize that those 5 students are accounted for already in each of those classes. So that would mean that there a total of 5 less enrolled in each class. Seeing that through the Venn diagram allows us to come to that conclusion a little easier.