we defined a new Policy domain and Management Class on our TSM-Server (linux) and then we assigned it to a host. But when i run a backup via command line on this host, the backupfiles stored by the default mgmt class. Did we miss somthing in the configuration and how we can backup to this new mgmtclass from commandline?
Many thanks in advance!
include *
Sure, you have to bind a specific filesystem to a management class by including it in the inclexcl file, in order to use it.
INCLUDE "/home/. /*" MC_1MONTH
If you do not specify a management class all the backupped filesystems will be bound to the default management class.
If you specify a default management class for the domain, but do not include it in the inclexcl file, the backupped filesystem will be saved with the retention and version of the default management class, but in a query output they will still be bound with the 'DEFAULT' label (making harder to discover their retention).
thanks for your reply! But how can i use the incl/excl file on the command line with the dsmc command? Our Developer run often backups from the command line or with batchscripts, for example:
dsmc incremental /workspace/ -optfile=dsm.opt -subdir=yes -compression=no
We know there is a option for the archive command (-archmc) like
dsmc archive /workspace/* -subdir=yes -archmc=archive_10Y
but we don't know how we can backup with the dsmc backup command to a different Mgmtclass e.g. developer filespaces.
As Domino and maxdb82 state in there reply, you need the includes.
Perhaps create another dsm.opt called dsm.developer.opt and put the include / mgmt in there.
Then call it with dsmc -optfile= ./dsm.developer.opt when running backup
With Archive simply specify your mgmt with archmc=
OK, i created a new .opt file with the INCLUDE "/backup/. /*" MGMT_CLASS option, but i get the following output in my logfile:
ANS1036S Invalid option 'INCLUDE' found in options file '/opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsm_test.opt'
at line number : 23
It seems that the INCLUDE option is not supported in the .opt file.
Is there another solution to backup from commandline to a different Mgmtclass?
a) insert "include" statement into stanza in dsm.sys
b) insert "inclexcl /your/path/to/exclude/list/file/inclexc.txt" in your dsm.sys stanza and insert "include" statement(s) in this file
http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/t. =/com.ibm.itsm.client.doc/r_opt_inclexcl.html
I have aix client and want to backup "/backup/*" with Monthly_MGT_CLASS but not able to do that it always select default management class.
SErvername TSMMAIN
COMMMethod TCPip
TCPPort 1500
TCPServeraddress xx.xx.xx.xx #node.domain.company.COM
PASSWORDAccess generate
passworddir /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin64/mainpwd
include /backup/* MONTHLY_MGT_CLASS
Thanks in advance.
include "/backup/. /*" MONTHLY_MGT_CLASS
include "/backup/. /*" MONTHLY_MGT_CLASS
Thanks for your reply and set as mentioned but no success.
SErvername TSMMAIN
COMMMethod TCPip
TCPPort 1500
TCPServeraddress xx.xx.xx.xx #node.domain.company.COM
PASSWORDAccess generate
passworddir /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin64/mainpwd
include "/backup/. /*" MONTHLY_MGT_CLASS
I set as follows and able to backup as i wish, don't know what is the reason behind this as i already have clients as previous configuration.
SErvername TSMMAIN
COMMMethod TCPip
TCPPort 1500
TCPServeraddress xx.xx.xx.xx #node.domain.company.COM
PASSWORDAccess generate
passworddir /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin64/mainpwd
include "/. /*" MONTHLY_MGT_CLASS
thanks for your reply! But how can i use the incl/excl file on the command line with the dsmc command? Our Developer run often backups from the command line or with batchscripts, for example:
dsmc incremental /workspace/ -optfile=dsm.opt -subdir=yes -compression=no
We know there is a option for the archive command (-archmc) like
dsmc archive /workspace/* -subdir=yes -archmc=archive_10Y
but we don't know how we can backup with the dsmc backup command to a different Mgmtclass e.g. developer filespaces.
This request concerns me a little and let me explain why. I interpret this request as sometimes I want to back up the file using management class A and sometimes I want to back up the file using management class B. What will happen is each time you change the management class the file, including all previous versions of the file if the file is active, will have the management class changed. The question seems to imply that you want to have some versions of a backup file bound to one management class and other versions of the file bound to a different management class but TSM does not work this way.