Each prospective graduate must apply online for graduation. Students must apply online on their Student Homepage (formerly Student Center) one semester prior to the term in which they anticipate completing all requirements for a degree. Please work with your major advisor and graduation specialist to determine your appropriate graduation term prior to applying.
Once you meet the criteria listed below, you will receive an e-mail alerting you to apply for graduation and a checklist item "Apply for Graduation" will be assigned to you on your Student Homepage. You will also be assigned a checklist item "Graduation Fee Required." You can apply for graduation prior to paying the $115 graduation fee and your application will be processed, however you will need to pay the fee before you can advance to the degree candidacy status required for inclusion on the candidacy list, commencement, and awarding of your degree.
✓ Declared major; not a "pre-major" or "undeclared"
✓ Minimum of 85 earned units towards your degree
✓ Minimum overall grade point average of 1.85
✓ Minimum CSUF grade point average of 1.85
✓ Transfer students must have completed at least one semester at CSUF with a CSUF GPA to apply
✓ Must be currently active in an academic program of study leading to a bachelor's degree
When you are eligible to apply for graduation, you will need to go to your Student Homepage and apply for graduation by selecting Academic Records, and then selecting 'Apply/Pay for Graduation' on the menu and following the prompts to select a graduation term. For more detailed instructions, click here.
It is advised that you apply one (1) year in advance of your anticipated graduation term. Applications for graduation will not be accepted any later than the end of the second week of the fall term for January candidates and the end of the second week of the spring term for May and August candidates.
You must apply for graduation online via your Student Homepage. All majors, minors, concentrations, and certificates must be accurately reflected prior to applying for graduation; if they are not, you must bring those programs up to date prior to applying for graduation. You may change majors, minors, concentrations and certificates with an online form found here .
The $115 Graduation/Diploma fee may be paid online (preferred) or by mailing your payment to CSU Fullerton, Student Business Services, P.O. Box 6808, Fullerton, CA 92834-6808. Be sure that your name and Campus Wide ID is on the front of the check and that you identify the payment as the graduation/diploma fee. You will be required to pay the graduation fee before you can become a candidate for graduation or participate in commencement. Please note that the graduation fee cannot be waived, refunded, or prorated, however if you need to change your graduation date, you will not need to repay the graduation fee.
The Titan Degree Audit is the document used for your official graduation check. Be sure to regularly access your TDA via Titan Online and review it for accuracy. Learn more information about the Titan Degree Audit (TDA).
Once you have applied online, the academic departments will review your academic program indicating their approval or if another graduation term would be more appropriate. Any exceptions to degree requirements submitted by academic advisors will be entered on the TDA by Registration and Records. Once the academic advisor approves your graduation checklist item, you will move overnight to approved status. Please note that approved status does not mean that you have completed all degree requirements, only that the major department has reviewed your major requirements and determined that you are following the proper curriculum.
After your academic program(s) are approved by the respective departments, if you have already paid your $115 graduation fee, your status will be moved to candidate. If you have not yet paid your graduation fee, your status will remain as approved and you will not advance to candidacy until the fee is received. You must move to candidate status in order to participate in commencement activities and be considered a candidate for graduation for the term. Your "Graduation Fee Required" checklist item on your Student Homepage will tell you whether or not a fee is still required.
If your anticipated term of graduation changes, you must contact the Graduation Unit at gradunit@fullerton.edu to update your record to the correct term.
At the end of your anticipated term of graduation, as a degree candidate, the graduation unit will review your file based on completion of your final courses. If all requirements are met, your degree will be posted. Please be advised that the conferring of your degree is usually 3-5 weeks following the end of the term. Your diploma will be mailed to the mailing address on record once the degree is conferred. If you are requesting transcripts prior to your degree being posted, be sure to indicate on the transcript request if you want the transcript request to be held until the degree is awarded.
If you do not meet all degree requirements by the last day of the term, you will be sent a deficiency letter requesting a revised date of when you will complete the outstanding degree requirements. Please remember that all work for your degree requirements must be completed by the last day of your anticipated graduation term. Any requirements not completed by the last day of the graduation term will delay your graduation until after all degree requirements are met.
The following tips will help you avoid those last minute disappointments of unmet degree requirements:
✓ Review your TDA at least twice per semester (after you register for your courses to ensure they are meeting the proper degree requirements and after your final grades post) to monitor how you are proceeding on your degree requirements.
✓ If you see a discrepancy on your TDA, email gradunit@fullerton.edu to review your record.
✓ If your academic department has submitted an exception to a degree requirement, be sure that the exception is reflected on the TDA. If it is not, check with your academic department advisor.
✓ If you have taken courses elsewhere be sure to have an official transcript sent to CSUF for evaluation and inclusion on your academic records as soon as possible following completion of the course.
✓ Apply for graduation at least 1 year in advance of your anticipated graduation term. This gives you time to "correct" any problems or take needed courses.
Remember that the TDA is the official grad check document. All requirements should show as "OK" (e.g., met) or that the requirement will be met by the courses in progress (IP) during your last term.
Graduate students are required to file and pay for a graduation check by the deadline. You must apply for graduation online via your Student Homepage. You must be a currently enrolled Classified student at CSUF to apply for graduation. The $115 graduation fee must be paid IMMEDIATELY after applying for the graduation check online. You are not considered a candidate for graduation until the fee is paid in the full amount. Please contact the Office of Graduate Studies for more information. Please note that the graduation fee cannot be waived, refunded, or prorated. However, if you need to change your graduation date, you will not need to repay the graduation fee.
Credential Commencement Fee: Students who are in a credential only program are required to pay a $100 Commencement ceremony fee (regardless of participation in the ceremony). Please contact the coecommencement@fullerton.edu for more information.