Personal loans are what people typically take out for big one-time purchases, like a wedding or dream vacation. And sometimes it’s for less fun (but even more necessary) things, like emergency expenses.
Whatever you plan to do with the funds, it helps to know what to expect in the application process, besides just the possible rates and terms.
You can apply for an Affinity Plus Personal Loan from anywhere, and complete the whole process online – even sign the paperwork!
Affinity Plus members can apply right in the mobile banking app, from the More screen. Or members can log in to online banking at, then click “Apply” in the upper-right.
And if you’re NOT a member yet, there’s another way to do it online. You can apply for the loan + new membership at the same time from our website, without logging in to anything.
A+ Tip: An easy way to ensure on-time payments is to make them automatic. You can schedule monthly (recurring) transfers from another Affinity Plus account, or from an external account at a different financial institution. In either the mobile banking app or online banking, you set this up on the Move Money screen.
After applying online, you’ll get an automated email – almost immediately – saying whether or not you’re pre-approved. Then usually within 2 business hours, we’ll send you a follow-up email with your rate, term (how long you have to pay it back), and your estimated monthly payment. Then you’ll have an accurate picture of what you’re getting into, before you sign on the dotted line.
Speaking of signing, you even do that part online, after we email you a link to something called DocuSign. It’s a secure way to access, sign, and send back sensitive paperwork.
And this last step comes shortly after the previous one, so the entire process moves pretty quickly.
Affinity Plus personal loans come with other benefits, too, besides great rates, flexible terms, and an easy digital application process.
When you take out an Affinity Plus Personal Loan (or other consumer loans), you can earn MyPlus Rewards™ points for gift cards, travel with no blackout dates, and more. As long as your payments stay current, you can earn a set number of points per month, based on your average daily balance.
A+ Tip: You can check and redeem your MyPlus Rewards points anytime in the mobile banking app or online banking, from the Accounts screen.