
A complete listing of all UF Libraries’ databases. Users can view all the databases alphabetically, search for a database by title, or use the three drop downs on the A – Z Database List to search for databases by subject, type, or vendor.

Project Starter Database

Primo Search

Other General & Multidisciplinary Databases

Following are other databases that will help you get started in your research – especially when looking for articles. Each database searches thousands of journals and provides links to peer-reviewed and scholarly articles. These do not search UF Library Catalog records.

Academic Search Premier

Dimensions Analytics

Gale PowerSearch



Web of Science

Online Reference Collections

Hot Topics & Social Issues

CQ Researcher

Opposing Viewpoints in Context

News & Newspapers

Access World News

Catalog of Digital Historical Newspapers

Nexis Uni (formerly LexisNexis Academic)

ProQuest News & Newspapers