Understanding PCR : A Practical Bench-Top Guide

Understanding PCR: A Practical Bench-Top Guide gives you all of the information you need to plan your first PCR, from reagents to conditions to analysis and beyond. It is a user friendly book that has step-by-step basic protocols, which can be adapted to your needs. Includes helpful information such as where to order your reagents and basic troubleshooting hints and tips.

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2 Designing and Ordering Your Polymerase Chain Reaction Primers 3 Analyzing Your Template DNA andor PCR Product Things to Consider 5 Carrying Out QPCR 6 Using PCR for Cloning and Protein Expression 7 Polymerase Chain Reaction for Knocking Out Genes 1 Trouble Shooting 2 Suppliers Back Cover

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Об авторе (2016)

Sarah Maddocks, PhD, is a lecturer in Microbiology at Cardiff Metropolitan University, UK. Her research focuses on understanding the interactions between pathogens and their host during the infection process. The overarching aim of these studies is to understand how pathogens utilise or disrupt host processes and to explore and exploit novel ways of impairing these host-pathogen interactions to facilitate clearance of infection. Dr. Maddocks’ research also includes biofilm and co-culture models, genomic and molecular analysis of gene expression to prove clinically relevant hypotheses.

Rowena Jenkins, PhD, is a lecturer in Microbiology and Infectious Disease in the College of Medicine at Swansea University, UK. Her research team are focused on the effect of novel antimicrobial agents on pathogenic bacteria found in clinical infections, particularly chronic infections such as those seen in diabetic foot ulcers and cystic fibrosis lungs infection, and the impact on the microbiome within those conditions. Dr. Jenkins also has an interest in the potential for natural antimicrobial agents to improve the efficacy of conventional antibiotics against antibiotic resistant bacteria and biofilms.

Библиографические данные

Название Understanding PCR: A Practical Bench-Top Guide
Авторы Sarah Maddocks , Rowena Jenkins
Издатель Academic Press, 2016
ISBN 0128026979, 9780128026977
Количество страниц Всего страниц: 98
Экспорт цитаты BiBTeX EndNote RefMan