20 Sample Family Tree Template Free (Printable, Word, Excel & PDF)

Do you ever make a sample family tree template in a school? Well, anyone has made it at least once in their school life. Tracking the family ancestry can be fun and sometimes needs to be clarified. That’s why the family tree was made to help understand the family lineage diagram. You do not have to explain or teach your child about your forefathers since you can also use the sample family tree template for free.

Table of Contents

What is a family tree?

The family tree is a simple hierarchy that displays and shows all family members together. It decides how they connect – when the younger generation does not know about their ancestors. That’s why the family tree could be one of the best ways to help them learn about their clan and family. Therefore, the family try is a source to help them know their family members no matter how far away they are.

Benefits of the Tree family

Here are some benefits of the tree family:

Make you closer

As mentioned before, the knowledge brings you a better understanding. It is the same when you learn about the stories and names behind your ancestors since those facts will get you closer – no matter how distant they are from you. The names from the past will give you more insights and lessons from people in the past.

Increase your unity sense.

When you understand the obstacles one had in their relationship, your heart will be softened by knowing their sacrifices to improve their family life. When you understand this, you usually forget about your differences and contentions, making focusing on common traits easier.

Improve your peace sense.

When someone brights you with the understanding and knowledge, you can also get the mental piece. You can even use a family tree template for kids. This peace comes from similar grounds and blood that you share. Also, when they discover that their family contributes to the noble cause, it develops a sense of peace and belonging.

Increasing the love

Your love for family will also increase, like getting closer to family members. You can use the family tree template word for an easier way.

Using a Family Tree Template for Special Projects

Family trees can be incorporated into various special projects for educational and personal purposes. Here’s how you can use a family tree template for different types of projects:

  1. School Stuff:
  1. Telling Family Stories:
  1. Big Family Get-Togethers:
  1. Weddings:
  1. Fun Art Projects:
  1. Festivals:
  1. Adoption Stories:
  1. Making Up Stories:
  1. Special Birthdays:
  1. Talking About Feelings:

How do you create your free family tree template?

It can be a rewarding experience. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you craft a personalized family tree template for free:

  1. Decide on the Format: First, decide whether a digital or physical family tree. Digital trees can be made using various software and websites, while physical trees can be hand-drawn or crafted.
  2. Start with Yourself: Register your name at the bottom or center of the page (depending on your design preference). It will be the starting point from which your tree branches out.
  3. Add Immediate Family: Moving upwards or outwards from your name, add your siblings, your parents, and so on.
  4. Extend to Grandparents and Beyond: From your parents, branch out to your grandparents, then to your great-grandparents, and continue as far back as you want or have information.
  5. Include Details: For each person, you can count elements such as birth and death dates, maiden names, and additional relevant information.
  6. Add Spouses and Their Families: If desired, add their spouse and the spouse’s immediate family.
  7. Design Elements: To make your tree visually appealing:

Make a Digital Family Tree

Making a digital family tree has become increasingly popular due to digital tools’ convenience, flexibility, and sharing capabilities. Here’s a breakdown of how and why you might consider creating a digital family tree:

  1. Digital Tools and Platforms: Several online platforms and software programs allow you to create, edit, and store your family tree. Some popular options include:
  1. Choose a Platform: There are numerous free websites and software that you can create. There are also programs like Microsoft Word or PowerPoint.
  2. Input Data: Start inputting your family data into the chosen platform.
  3. Customize: Most digital platforms allow you to customize the look of your tree, add photos, and more.
  4. Save and Share: Ensure you regularly save your digital tree. Many platforms also allow you to share or download it as a PDF or image.
  5. Regularly Update: As your family grows and changes, or as you find more about your ancestry, update it.
  6. Backup Your Tree: If it’s digital, save backups in multiple places. Consider scanning it or taking a clear photo for a digital backup if it’s physical.
  7. Share with Family: Share your family tree with relative mapping. They can provide feedback, share stories, or even give you the information you have yet to learn.

Benefits of a Digital Family Tree

Tips for Creating a Digital Family Tree

Going Beyond the Tree

Many digital platforms offer additional features, such as DNA testing, historical record searches, and community forums where you can connect with distant relatives or others researching the same lineage..

Researching Your Family’s History

Here’s a guide to help you delve into your family’s roots:

  1. Start with What You Know:
  1. Talk to Relatives:
  1. Use a Family Tree Template:
  1. Visit Local Libraries or Historical Societies:
  1. Explore Online Resources:
  1. Check Vital Records:
  1. Explore Census Records:
  1. Visit Cemeteries:
  1. Look into Military Records:
  1. Join a Genealogy Group:
  1. Consider DNA Testing:
  1. Document Everything:
  1. Stay Persistent:

How Detailed Should My Family Tree Be?

The detail level in your family tree largely depends on its purpose, your personal preferences, and the amount of information available. Here’s a breakdown to guide you on the level of detail to consider:

  1. Basic Details: At a minimum, most family trees include:
  1. Extended Details: For those wanting a bit more depth:
  1. Comprehensive Details: For a richer understanding of one’s ancestry:
  1. Specialized Details: For specific research purposes:

Factors to Consider:

The detail level in your family tree should align with your goals for creating it. Whether it’s a simple visual representation or a deep dive into your ancestry diagram, ensure it serves its intended purpose and respects the privacy of living family members.

Sample Family Tree Templates

Descendants Family Tree Template

family tree template word

Imagine a tree where you start at the top, and as you move down, you see the next eras. It is great to see how a family evolves over time, showing kids, grandkids, and more!

Family Tree Template Google Docs

No need for paper and a pen. With Google Docs, you can create It online. It’s handy because you can edit it anytime and share it wherever they are.

Free Printable Family Tree Template 4 Generations

family tree templates free for word

It is special because it shows four main groups. It begins with you, then moves to your parents, then to your grandparents, and ends with your great-grandparents.

Free Printable Family Tree Template 5 Generations

Like the 4 generations tree but with an extra layer: It helps you dive deeper into your family’s past.

Free Printable Family Tree Template 6 Generations

It is for you if you’re curious about even older family members. It goes back six levels, showing a vast family history graph.

Free Printable Family Tree Template 7 Generations

The most detailed of the bunch! It’s a deep dive into your ancestry, showcasing seven layers.

Family Tree Template Word

Sample Family Tree Template 01

It’s easy to use, and you can save it on your computer, making edits whenever you want.

Family Tree Template for Kids

Family tree template

Designed with little ones in mind, this tree is colorful, fun, and simple.

Family Tree Template PDF

Sample Family Tree Template 02

It is a digital format that’s easy to share and print. It’s great if you want a fixed version of your family tree to distribute to relatives or keep as a keepsake.

Family Tree Template Excel

Excel is an excellent tool if you’re good with numbers and lists. It helps organize names, birthdays, and more in a clear spreadsheet format.

Family Tree Template with Siblings

Sample Family Tree Template 04

Some trees focus on the direct line, but this one ensures that brothers and sisters are included. It’s perfect for families that want to showcase all their kids.

Family Tree Template with Picture

Add a personal touch! Instead of just names, this tree has spaces for photos. It’s a visual treat, seeing the faces of family members from different generations.

Sample Family Tree Template 03

Sample Family Tree Template 05

Sample Family Tree Template 06

Family tree templates free

family tree templates printable free

Common Mistakes in Family Tree Templates

Avoiding these common mistakes can ensure your family tree is accurate and meaningful:

  1. Relying Solely on Online Research: While online databases and platforms are valuable, they aren’t infallible. Always cross-check information with multiple sources and rely on something other than online family trees created by others.
  2. Confusing Dates: Remember that date formats vary across countries. The U.S. typically uses month/day/year, while many other countries use day/month/year. Be consistent in your date format and be aware of historical calendar changes.
  3. Ignoring the Women: Family trees focus on the paternal line and might skip over maiden names. Always include maiden names and try to gather as much about female ancestors as male ones.
  4. Overlooking Siblings: While it’s tempting to focus only on your direct ancestor tree form, siblings can provide crucial clues about your family’s history, especially if your direct line is hard to trace.
  5. Not Citing Sources: Always note where you found each piece of information.
  6. Jumping to Conclusions: Two people have the same name doesn’t mean they’re the same person. Be wary of making assumptions without solid evidence.
  7. Forgetting to Ask Family: Sometimes, the best resources are your relatives. The documents, photos, or stories can provide rich details about your ancestors.
  8. Not Backing Up Data: If you’re creating a digital family tree, always back it up. If it’s on paper, consider scanning or photographing it. Losing your hard work can be devastating.
  9. Overlooking Cultural Differences: Different cultures have different naming conventions, traditions, and historical events. Being sensitive can help you avoid errors and better understand your family’s context.
  10. Not Reviewing Regularly: As you gather more information, regularly review your tree. You might spot inconsistencies or gaps you missed earlier.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is a family tree template?

A family tree template is a pre-designed tool that helps individuals visually represent their lineage or ancestry. It provides spaces or placeholders where names, dates, and often, brief details of each family member can be entered.

Why should I use a family tree template?

Using a template makes organizing and displaying family information easier. It saves time, ensures a neat presentation, and offers a clear structure, especially for those unfamiliar with creating family trees from scratch.

Can I find family tree templates for free?

there are many online platforms and software that offer free family tree templates. Some common word processing programs, like Microsoft Word, also have inbuilt family tree templates.

Can I make a digital family tree?

Many websites and software programs allow users to create digital family trees, which can be easily edited, shared, or even integrated with genealogical research tools.

How far back can I trace my family using a family tree template?

Technically, you can trace your family as far back as you have records or knowledge. Some templates are designed for just three or four generations, while others can accommodate many more.

What if I make a mistake or find new information?

That’s the beauty of templates, especially digital ones. You can always edit, update, or modify your family tree as new information becomes available or if you discover errors.

How do I start if I’m new to genealogy?

Begin with what you know. Start with your immediate family and then move to your extended family. Ask relatives for information, and use family documents, photos, and records as starting points. As you gather more data, you can expand your family tree.

Can I use a family tree template for special projects, like school assignments or gifts?

Yes! Family tree templates are versatile. They can be used for educational projects, as unique gifts, or as decorative pieces showcasing family history.

The content creator team at calipsotree.com is dedicated to making topics accessible to everyone, with over 9 years of experience in writing and breaking down complex concepts into easy-to-understand articles that answer readers’ financial questions.