Nsf personal statement vs graduate applications personal statement

Personal, Relevant Background and Future Goals Statement

The Personal, Relevant Background and Future Goals Statement must address NSF’s merit review criteria of Intellectual Merit and Broader Impacts. Applicants must include headings for Intellectual Merit and Broader Impacts in their statements.

The maximum length of the Personal, Relevant Background and Future Goals Statement is three (3) pages.

Graduate Research Plan Statement

The Graduate Research Plan Statement must also address NSF’s merit review criteria of Intellectual Merit and Broader Impacts. Applicants must include headings for Intellectual Merit and Broader Impacts in their statements.

The maximum length of the Graduate Research Plan Statement is two (2) pages.

Statement Formatting Requirements

Page limits fo r the Personal, Relevant Background and Future Goals Statement and Graduate Research Plan Statement include all references, citations, charts, figures, images, and lists of publications and presentations. Statements must be written using the following guidelines: